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Welcome to Askeera
Sirius a

© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan



         Sirius A is a bright blue star part of a binary system, 8.6 (T) ly from Terra. The name Sirius is derived from the Greek word “Seirios” meaning “glowing” or “scorching,” but in local languages, “Ashkera” can be translated by the Seat (Ker) of bright light (Ash). Sirius consists of a main-sequence star of spectral type A0 or A1, termed Sirius A, and a faint white dwarf companion named Sirius B, which is a spectral type DA2 star. The distance between the two varies between 8.2 and 31.5 astronomical units as they orbit every 50 years .The Ashkera star system hosts six advanced space faring civilizations, spread on 4 planets and 2 moons.

       One of them is the Uherians, a 4 to 5 Ft tall blueish skin species. They live on the second planet, Semiya. They have big bulky eyes that can see in the ultraviolet range, an elongated skull and five-fingered hands.They are not related to Gray species and they are unique in their kind. The Uherii, or “Uherians”, are a very advanced civilization that specialized in spaceships building. They own deep space assembly stations in the vicinity of the Ashkeran systems, where crafts are mass produced for diverse contractors.

© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan


© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan

© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan


         The Katayy are a Taal-Lyran colony from Vega, established on the third world of Sirius A: the planet Kashta (“K-Ash-Tah”: [born] from the brilliant star). Peaceful and benevolent Humanoids, mainly tanned and red-skinned due to the adaptation to the environmental conditions of their new world, the Katayy have more interest in arts and spiritual development than in diplomacy and conquests, which is a reason why they didn’t join the local  Ashtar Collective at the time it was created, nor the Astar Galactic Command either. Not focused upon technological advancement, the Katay like simple life conditions and a peaceful way of living. Katayy are members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds but they do not engage in fights; their implication remains mainly as a scientific cooperation. The Katay have a well established relationship with the Anakh empire, whose actual seat is located nearby, in the Sirius B star system. The Katay are a calm, loving and welcoming people. They developped an advance spiritual culture through a vast complex system of temples dedicated to the soul connection and interaction with Source Creator. These edenic places enshrined in beautiful nature are renown for meditative retreats, spiritual and energetic workplace.

© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan


         The 4th planet of the Ashkera system, Urant, is a gas giant hostile to carbon-based life but is supporting acid-based organisms. Among its many moons, only two have a magnetic field capable of hosting the development of ecosystems. One of them is Urantika, home of the Uraman.

   The Uraman are a very beautiful hybrid race born from Laan refugees of the Man system (K62 in the Lyra constellation) and a humanoid species named Urakan, local to Urantika. Regretably, with time, the strong Laan genes took over the Urakan population and nowadays, the original Urantikan humanoid race blended into disappearence. We can nonetheless retrace this ancient beauty trough the human-like features of the astonishing Uraman people. The Uraman have spread to other worlds in the Ashkeran triple star systems, gaining renown in genetic mastery, wisdom and diplomacy..


© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan


© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan

© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan


         The fifth planet of the Ashkera system, Ubutuu, hosts a space faring civilization member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds: the Kayzar. These repto-insectoid beings are considerably advanced technologically and quite friendly to visitors. The Kayzar specialized in spaceships’ parts production and have vast factories on and around their planet, on its four moons as well as onboard huge orbital stations.

   Their society is based on a hive-consciousness type, which makes of the Kayzar extremely efficient workers, fast and synchronized. The Kayzar are also members of the Galactic Guild of Merchants, and very successful in their ship building activities.

© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan


         Shayat-Akura is the seventh moon of Shayat, Ashaara’s fifth planet, a gas giant. The Urmah people are related to the Uraman culture from the fourth planet, as these two Laan colony  traveled together from the devastated Man system during the Lyran Wars. The Urmah named their new colony on Shayat’s moon after the tribal territory they originated from, on their home world Egoria, in the Man-K62 system. They are a proud people who live by high ethical values such as respect, honor and honesty.
Actively involved in the Galactic Federation of Worlds’ warfare and diplomatic activities throughout the Nataru galaxy, the Urmah do not know fear, they are uncapable of lying or deceiving. They are known and highly respected for these noble qualities. The Urmah have been largely taking part in the Galactic Federation of Worlds’ Envoy Program, which is not solely purposed towards worlds formerly under the control of the Nebu Empire, but includes any civilization in need of guidance for diverse reasons. Of course, regarding the ethics of the Prime Directive, these worlds are all stage 3 space faring cultures and above. The percentage of Urmah Laan involved in the Envoy Program to Earth is very significant and they are recognizable through warrior-like personalities who vow their existence to defend the truth, in all domains, and defeat lies, manipulation  and deception.


© Copyrighted materiel Elena Danaan

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